Terms of Service
Last updated: December 1, 2024
Yey Ney is a social voting sentiment service that enables our users to post videos, images, music, and questions that their friends and other Yey Ney users can react to. These Terms of Service (the "Terms") govern your access and use of Yey Ney and the other products, websites, features, apps, services, technologies, and software we offer, except where we expressly state that separate terms (and not these) apply. These Products are provided to you by I Wonder Inc. These Terms constitute an agreement between you and I Wonder, Inc. If you do not agree to these Terms, do not access or use Yey Ney or the other products and services covered by these Terms.
These Terms make up the entire agreement between you and I Wonder, Inc. regarding your use of our Products. They supersede any prior agreements.
We don't charge you to use Yey Ney or the other products and services covered by these Terms unless we state otherwise. Instead, businesses, organizations, and other persons pay us to show you ads for their products and services. Our Products enable you to post and get reactions from friends and to receive personalized content and ads relevant to you and your interests. You acknowledge that by using our Products, we will show you ads that we think may be relevant to your interests. We use your personal data to help determine which personalized ads to show you.
We don't sell your personal data to advertisers, nor do we share information that directly identifies you (such as your name, email address, or other contact information) with advertisers unless you give us specific permission. Instead, advertisers can tell us the kind of audience they want to see their ads, and we show those ads to people who may be interested. We provide advertisers with reports about the performance of their ads to help them understand how people interact with their content.
Our Privacy Policy explains how we collect and use your personal data to determine some of the ads you see and to provide the other services described below.
1. The Services We Provide
Our mission is to give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together. To advance this mission, we provide the following Products and services to you:
- 1.1 Provide a personalized experience for you: Your experience on Yey Ney is unique: from the posts, ads, and other content you see in your Feed to the Pages you follow and features you use, such as Marketplace. We use data about the connections you make, the choices and settings you select, and what you share and do on and off our Products to personalize your experience.
- 1.2 Connect you with people and organizations you care about: We help you find and connect with people, businesses, and others that matter to you. We use data to make suggestions for you and others.
- 1.3 Enable you to discover content, products, and services that may interest you: We show you personalized ads, offers, and other sponsored or commercial content to help you discover what businesses and organizations offer.
- 1.4 Promote safety, security, and integrity: We work to maintain the security of our Products and services. Our efforts include using technical systems to detect misuse, harmful conduct, and violations of our community standards. We may take actions such as removing content, restricting access, or notifying law enforcement when necessary.
- 1.5 Use and develop advanced technologies: We develop technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning systems to ensure safe and functional services for everyone.
- 1.6 Research ways to make our services better: We engage in research to develop, test, and improve our Products. This includes analyzing data, conducting surveys, and troubleshooting new features.
- 1.7 Provide consistent and seamless experiences across our Products: We design our systems so your experience is seamless across different Products you use.
- 1.8 Ensure access to our services globally: We transfer, store, and distribute content and data across global infrastructure, including outside your country of residence.
2. How Our Services Are Funded
Instead of charging you to use Yey Ney, we show you personalized ads and sponsored content that businesses pay us to promote. We use your personal data, such as your activity, interests, and reactions, to show relevant ads without sharing information that directly identifies you. Advertisers receive reports to understand their audience and ad performance. Learn more in our Privacy Policy.
3. Your Commitments to Yey Ney and Our Community
3.1 Who Can Use Yey Ney
- You are under 13 years old.
- You are a convicted sex offender.
- We have previously disabled your account for violations of our Terms or policies.
- You are prohibited from receiving our services under applicable laws.
3.2 What You Can Share and Do on Yey Ney
You agree not to engage in the following:
- Sharing content that breaches these Terms or applicable laws.
- Uploading malicious code, sending spam, or interfering with our services.
- Collecting data from our Products using automated means without permission.
- Misusing reporting channels or circumventing security measures.
3.3 Permissions You Give Us
- Your content: You retain ownership of content you share but grant us a license to use it for providing and improving our services.
- Deleting content: Deleted content may take up to 90 days to be fully removed from backups.
- Use of your name and actions: We may use your name and actions with ads and sponsored content visible to your authorized audience.
- Software updates: You consent to updates for our software.
4. Additional Provisions
4.1 Updating Our Terms
We may update these Terms to reflect changes in our services or applicable laws. Continued use of Yey Ney after updates constitutes your acceptance of the changes.
4.2 Account Suspension or Termination
We may suspend or delete accounts for serious or repeated violations of our Terms or policies. Inactive or unconfirmed accounts may also be deleted. Appeals can be made through our support channels.
4.3 Limits on Liability
We are not liable for losses beyond our control or those not caused by our breach of these Terms.
4.4 Disputes
Disputes may be resolved in a competent court in your country of residence. Local laws apply.
4.5 Miscellaneous
- Supplemental terms may apply to certain services.
- Severability ensures unenforceable portions do not affect the rest of the Terms.
- Rights and obligations are non-transferable without our consent.
- Feedback provided to us may be used without obligation.
5. Community Guidelines
These Community Guidelines outline what is and isn't allowed on Yey Ney to create a safe and authentic environment.
Our Values
- Authenticity: We believe authenticity creates a better environment, so we don't allow misrepresentation. Content must not misrepresent users or their actions.
- Safety: We remove content that could contribute to physical harm or threaten personal security.
- Privacy: Protecting personal privacy and information is key. We remove content that violates the privacy of others.
- Control: Users can report and hide content they do not resonate with, shaping their feed over time.
Prohibited Content
- Content that breaches applicable laws, regulations, or these Terms.
- Hate speech, harassment, or threats against individuals or groups.
- Content that is misleading, fraudulent, or promotes harmful activities.
- The use of malicious software or code.
- Content that violates intellectual property rights unless legally permitted.
User Responsibilities
- Respect others and avoid harmful conduct.
- Report content that violates these guidelines.
- Ensure content shared complies with these Community Guidelines.
Actions We May Take
- Remove or restrict access to violating content.
- Suspend or delete accounts for repeated or severe violations.
- Notify law enforcement if required.